Free Partnership URL with your custom domains setup and customization tutorials

moshiur rahman | 3:56 AM |

Multiway BD Formally “Multiway Information System” introducing to our all partners how to set your free partnership URL with your custom domains and customization tutorials, you can make money by adding more partners from your own website, partner site is a private-labeled website to help you jump start your wholesale business by attracting and signing up Sub-Resellers from you own website, you can add unlimited wholesale domains reseller’s partnership free of cost, you can also add domain re-sellers partners by your own website as well, you can modify reseller and customer pricing plan how you want, Our domain re-sellers partners are important to us, we provide superior service, we also provide cheap rate domain names registration, web hosting, web development and many more web based solutions service to who interested to start web based business around of Bangladesh.

So, learn more about Free Partnership URL with your custom domains setup and customization tutorials by our Multiway BD | Low Cost Wholesale Domains Reseller’s Partnership Program.

How to setup custom own domain with my partner site?
Yes, this is first think you need to setup partner site with your custom domain,
(Step 1)Login your management control panel, and go to Settings > Branding Settings, left site “SuperSite & PartnerSite” and select PartnerSite click Customize PartnerSite, under Brand URLs you will preview default partnersite URL seems format
http:// (sub reseller user name).(sub reseller user id)
for setup Fully-Branded URL with your own domain name. Put your own domain name bellow fill for example: http:// and click update button.
(Step 2)Add an A Record, go to your hosting panel > DNS zone editor > select your domain > A record section put your management control panel previewing IP address (for example ( do not use my example IP address, because usually each sub reseller A record IP address fully different, so use your right one.
Host Record: partners (for example your sub domain name)
TTL : 14400
Type: A
Points To: (use your management control panel previewing IP address)
then click Add record, DNS changes will take up to 4 hours for propagation.
After 4 hours try to browse your own domain name fully-Branded URL http://

(if you use primary domain without setup sub domain for your partner’s site or super site then you need to add A record on your domain control panel)

(Step 3)

add your logo (custom banner logo) size should be: 450 X 73 pixel, jpeg or gif format,
Click Launch Customization Panel, under My Partner Site Themes, click, edit theme logo and browse for locate your image file and upload your banner logo image, and click upload image, then automatically replace your Wholesale Brand* image and preview your own image,

(Step 4)

use your own favicon on your super site, under My Partner Site Themes on your Dashboard, click, “Customize Theme (Images, CSS)” Edit Images > click edit images right side button, then search favicon.ico file click edit, browse and upload your one, you can also change or edit your Partner Site all images from this page,

(Step 5)

Changing every page title, select which language site you wish to change every page title, under “Edit/Translate Website Content” menu click edit content, browse Misc folder, edit Page_titles.txt file, then you can review default content both side, edit right side content as you wish, usually you can change 20 page title, but your partner site have many system page those not required for changing title! However, you can also modify Meta description, Meta keywords and many other page from Misc folder for onside SEP reason, you can change every image, every content by managing Partner Site, you can also set Google analytics, Google webmaster verify managing Partner Site

after your any of customization you need to click “Reload Cache Data” under all setting reload, you can download all PSD file for comparing your image by “Download PSD files Tab”
You can manage your partner site content or images by direct login thorough partner site URL/admin
for example:

If you need more acknowledge then you can visit here:

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