Set brand email addresses using your own website

moshiur rahman | 1:34 AM |

Multiway BD Formally Multiway Information System introducing here better mail management system for your permanent solution. If you have own domain then you can create brand email address using your own website, beside if you not have any domain and you wish to buy a domain then you may contact us, because we provide domain registration service in Bangladesh very low cost also hosting package at low cost. if you use hosting server for your domain name then your hosting service provider give you a change to create mail address using your hosting control panel, that not unlimited addresses, it very much depend on your hosting package, using those address you can send receive mail from one Gmail account through mail forwarding from hosting server and on your Gmail setting “Add another email address you own” you need some verification complete those process. It’s very easier to keep eye many email address using one Gmail account. However, if you use a domain continuously many of years, then you might be need to change hosting package plan for your domain some of issue, when you change hosting plan then you need to create those mail address using new hosting package, you also need again configure send receive mail from your Gmail account. That might be wastes your some time. Beside if you do not use any hosting server for your domain for example: you host your domain name with blogger or other party free hosting service there not have any change to create brand mail address using your domain, at this point you can use third party mail service by changing your domain DNS (domain name server) setting. Most popular third party mail service Google Apps. Google Apps provide several type of Plan.
1~Google Apps Engine allow to create 1 custom mail address
2~ Google Apps for free allow to create 10 custom mail address, but Google has officially ended its 10 user free Google apps account since 6’December 2012. But before 6’December 2012 who created Google Apps for free account, Google not disable them. So currently sighing who not created free Google Apps account, don’t worry! No offenses as you did not create free Google Apps account, because have Google Apps Alternative service!
3~ Google Apps for free Education account
this service allow to create 10 free mail account But you need verify domain using DOT EDU TLD (top level domain)
4~Google Apps for Business
this service allow to add unlimited domain and create unlimited user, but price will be $5 per month or $50 per year.
Overall Google Apps for Business is useful for who have many more domain and need to manage many different domain custom mail address, beside who have 1~2~3 domains and need to create some custom mail address using those domain, then need to get Google Apps alternative.

Zoho Mail | is a once of Google Apps Alternative but Zoho Mail service allow to create maximum 3 mail accounts.

Microsoft |
allow to add many domain and 500 user free forever, before starting Microsoft service you need a hotmail account. If you don’t have then create first and sign in above link, then you will drive necessary step how to complete your all setup, those necessary step need to active within 72 hours, because you need to create several DNS record on your domain panel, those DNS record have different TTL (time to live) overall all setup will complete within 72 hours.
however, you can create custom mail address using above explained Microsoft service, and you need to login all different address one by one reviewing hotmail interface, you can forward all custom mail address to one hotmail account or your Gmail address  if you don’t like hotmail interface, and you can send mail by one hotmail or Gmail address by your mail setting “Add another email address you own” but there have some problem, for example if your mail custom mail address receive a new mail first that you did not add safe sender list, that mail will go to Junk folder, and junk folder receiving mail dose not forward to your forwarding address. So there you may not able to receive all mail to your one mail, so you need to login all different address one by one reviewing hotmail interface. However you can use this mail management technology by setup your own domain, if you face any problem about this mail management technology then we can provide you more support, if you wish to get support from us then visit our website  “contact us” page and mail us regarding your issue, we also provide “Google Apps for Business” plan online purchase support as most of people unable to buying foreign product from Bangladesh. Our all customer are important to us, we provide best support to our all associate person and provide superior customer service. If you have any quarry then you may pressed to contact with us by our hotline: (2G) 01911-273-770 & (3G) 01552-490-378, Thank you for stay with us.
